Business Budget Planner

Business Budget Planner

Business Budget Planner


  1. Fixed Costs:
    • Rent: ₹
    • Utilities: ₹
    • Insurance: ₹
    • Licenses and Permits: ₹
  2. Variable Costs:
    • Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): ₹
    • Raw Materials: ₹
    • Inventory: ₹
    • Shipping: ₹
  3. Employee Expenses:
    • Salaries: ₹
    • Benefits: ₹
    • Training: ₹
  4. Marketing and Advertising:
    • Online Ads: ₹
    • Printed Materials: ₹
    • Social Media Management: ₹
  5. Technology:
    • Software Subscriptions: ₹
    • Hardware: ₹
    • Website Maintenance: ₹
  6. Professional Services:
    • Accounting: ₹
    • Legal: ₹
    • Consulting: ₹
  7. Travel and Transportation:
    • Business Travel: ₹
    • Delivery Expenses: ₹
    • Vehicle Maintenance: ₹
  8. Miscellaneous:
    • Office Supplies: ₹
    • Training and Development: ₹
    • Emergency Fund: ₹

Total Budget: ₹


  • Regularly review and update your budget.
  • Consider negotiating with suppliers for better rates.
  • Monitor cash flow and adjust spending accordingly.
  • Plan for unexpected expenses with an emergency fund.

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